It’s not just how you look that endures when you are carrying too much fat, it can damage your insides in the future too. However, you can do something about it. Turn over and check out the rest of our Fat Loss Special — all you Want to win the battle of the bulge


Eating too many calories of any kind will lead to a body storing fat around your midriff, but nothing turns into blubber as quickly as saturated and trans fats. Due mostly to an overabundance of those fats in a standard British bloke’s diet, 3.7 percent of UK men are obese.


This contributes not only to heart disease but also to some restriction of blood flow to your extremities, a condition called peripheral vascular disease.


Clogged-up arteries can interrupt any physiological function that depends on a continuous stream of blood. One such function is an erection, and as anybody whose manhood has failed to rise to the event knows, this is no laughing matter. The arteries supplying the penis are a few of the smallest in the body and might be the first vessels which clog up. Something which may lead to more severe issues.


Over a quarter of a million Britons a year suffer heart attacks, the huge majority occurring in people with coronary artery disease, where cholesterol and fat deposits block arteries which provide blood to the heart.


Research conducted at the University of Toronto indicates that eating too much saturated fat slows you emotionally. It inhibits the source of sugar — needed for cognitive functioning and memory — into the brain, causing the brain to age prematurely.


1 indirect effect of too much bad fat is adult onset diabetes, where either the pancreas does not make enough insulin or the insulin does not do a good enough job of helping the body handle glucose. Carrying large amounts of body fat has also been associated with insulin resistance, a forerunner of diabetes in those with a genetic predisposition toward the illness.


A study published in the Journal Archives of Internal Medicine links saturated fats to hypertension, or high blood pressure. Over time, this condition can result in a host of secondary problems, such as retina damage, vision loss, even TIAs — short for Transient Ischeniic Attacks, mini-strokes that come before a big one.


For some of us, hell is a place with no cheese and onion Walkers. Over the years, thousands of scientific studies have exposed the dangers of saturated fats, but keeping them out of your diet can be as difficult as getting a pint at half-time. Just recently, a report published in the International Journal of Epidemiology showed that cutting the saturated fat you eat from 15 per cent of your total calories to per cent could reduce the likelihood of your early demise by up to 25 per cent. Although eating less saturated fat might seem like a thankless path, follow these easy tips and you’ll should still be break dancing when you’re 80. All right then… 50.
;Don’t let yourself get too hungry The hungrier we get, the more fat-filled chicken family buckets we tend to eat. So instead of flitting between starving and stuffed, use a scale of ‘fullness’ ranging from o (absolutely ravenous) to so (not even one more wafer-thin mint). Only eat when you drop down to about a 2, then stop when you’re back up to 6 or 7. Also, eating smaller meals more often, up to six meals a day, will help you control your hunger and appetite.

Master the menu

You know where the bad fats are (see the next page if you don’t), so in the event you don’t need them, do not order them.
And do not be afraid to ask the waiter what is in each dish or request a bespoke meal.

Rather than warring with yourself at every meal -“can I actually get away with eating that battered sausage?” — plan a weekly cheat meal when you are free to eat anything you want, minus guilt.
With this to look forward to, it will be a lot easier to beat off temptation throughout the remainder of the week.

Many blokes wandering round Tesco still look just at the’total fat’ figure on labels. However, the’saturated fat’ figure is much more important — the lower the better. You won’t find a figure for trans fats on the label so search for, and prevent anything with’partially hydrogenated vegetable oil on it’.

Everyone slips up once in a while. If you happen to wake up from a long night and find a rapidly congealing half-eaten kebab staring you in the face, don’t panic. One bad meal won’t gridlock your arteries or transform you into Jim Boyle. Besides, every time you eat offers another chance at redemption. At your next meal, remember how bloated and nasty you felt (not to mention guilty) and get back to your good habits.

Plan your shopping

The majority of us go to the supermarket thinking only 1 thing — I want food, and I want it today. However, you’ll make far better choices if you appear with a list of healthy things you want to eat and understand how to transform into a yummy low-fat meal. Additionally, be certain to eat roughly an hour prior to your food-shopping foray — just enough time to quell your appetite and avoid impulse purchases, most of will probably be packed with sugar and fat. I believe I’ll purchase some radishes”?

Take 1 meal at a time

You don’t need to make every meal on your week pass review. Once you find a recipe or menu that is low in fats that are bad, tastes great and is not a monster to prepare, hold on to it, then find another one. You’ll have a complete repertoire before you know it.
He shoots, he scores!

Keep yourself focused and inspired by placing yourself just a couple of weekly food objectives, such as:”I will use olive oil rather than butter this week.”
Bear in mind that it is neither possible nor necessary to cut fats out completely. Provided that you avoid the CRAP (see right) and make sure bad fats account for a small fraction (less than io percent ) of your total calories, you are doing fine.
Their virtues include’carrying testosterone in your blood and carrying cholesterol from it and you may locate them in nuts, fish, avocado and specific oils (especially olive). If you substitute any helpings of red meat with fish, and that daily bag of crisps with a few peanuts (preferably unsalted), you have already made a great stride toward maintaining your fat healthy.
Speak with a pro before you visit the golf clubwere talking about nutrition consultants here. This might sound a little pricey merely to sort your snacking out issues, but it may be well worth the readies if you are still succumbing to those tasty pasties. The most important thing consultants do for you is help you create a healthy eating program which aims you — and your distinctive body, lifestyle and character.

Check the oil

Each of the calories in cooking oil — generally about 120 per tbsp ¬come from fat, approximately 13.5 g’ values, with no carbohydrates or protein. Moderation, but not elimination, is exactly what you require. There’s a place for some oil in your diet, as it is can be a fantastic source of healthy fats and makes you feel fuller and more content after a meal. Choose wisely.
Coconut oil is the deadliest, with 77 percent of its calories derived from saturated fat. Palm is a close second, at 55 percent, while olive oil has 13 percent saturated fat, though it has a higher degree of healthy monounsaturated fats than any other oil.
And if fatty foods somehow make their way onto your plate, do what you can to (subtly, when you have company) blot off some of the surplus. A study from the Georgia-Pacific Health Smart Institute in Atlanta revealed that it is possible to do away with up to 17 percent of a pizza’s saturated fat by simply dabbing over the surface of it with an absorbent paper towel.